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Process To Trademark Filing in India
ANS performs an initial search and provides a report over a concerned trademark or trade name. Tradename or trademark search is done for a specific country in which client want to market its product. ANS team also provides global search if the client intends to launch or market or currently marketing its product in multiple countries.
ANS has a fully developed team of attorneys who have litigated cases in the field of trademark. ANS has a team of attorneys who have successfully protected various trademarks and tradenames against legal opposition. ANS also handles an array of trademarks/trademark portfolio from a single client in just USD 3000 on an annual basis.
ANS helps in getting a trademark to its grant status in better time. In prosecution stages also, ANS trademark agents and attorneys works in sync with the clients to assess all the discoverable and claimable differences to convince the examiner for receiving grant status. It is used to take a long period to get grant but the client is assured of the fact that its trademark cannot be copied or misused from the day one of filing the application and generation of receipt.
After a proper search ANS files a trademark. India has 5 concerned offices New Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Kolkata. ANS deals with all the clients eligible to file in any of these trademark offices. ANS attorney and agents works closely with the clients in enhancing the chances of filing a tradename or trademark which is capable of getting assurance of receiving “registered” status.